Foresters serving California
Amanda Mahaffey
U.S. Fish and Wildlife ServiceME
Andrea Hardlund Eggleton
FRST Corp - President, Forester - Grass Valley, CA
Barry H. Epstein
Allen Matkins - San Francisco, CA
Ben Cohoon
- Fortuna, CA
Bjorn Dahl
Dahl Environmental Services LLC - Golden, CO
Black Fox Timber Management Group
Timothy English - McCloud, CA
Bonnie J. Burchill
Environmental Resource Solutions, Inc. - Forestry Operations Mgr. - Santa Rosa, CA
Brian Rueger
Integrated Forest Management LLC - Springville, CA
CA Forest Stewardship Program
- Forestry Assistance, California Department of Forestry & Fire Protection - Sacramento, CA
California Forestry Association
- Sacramento, CA
California Licensed Foresters Association
- Sacramento, CA
Carolyn Pike
Purdue University: Reforestation, Nurseries, & Genetics Resources - Area Regeneration Specialist (Northeast) - West Layfayette, IN
Cascade Resource Consultants
Michael Goodner - Registered Professional Forester, Certified Forester - McArthur, CA
Central Coast Forest Association
- Scotts Valley, CA
Charll K. Stoneman
Stoneman Forestry Services - Owner/Principal RPF - Eureka, CA
Christian Eggleton
FRST Corp - Forester/VP - Grass Valley, CA
Christopher Hipkin
Statewide Forestry Services - Forester/Botanist/Pest Control Advisor - Fort Bragg, CA
Clayton William Koopmann
- Sunol, CA
Cleave Dwire
- Sole Proprietor Contractor - Wells, NV
Conservation United
Kevin Heckinger, MBA - Higley, AZ
Council of Western State Foresters
Sara Goodwin - Communications Director - Edgewater, CO
Daniel Prielipp
- Dunsmuir, CA
Division of Forestry
U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs - Albuquerque, NM
Double Tree Forest Management
- Mariposa, CA
Dovetail Partners Inc.
- Minneapolis, MN
Ecosystems Northwest
- Mt. Shasta, CA
Ellen A. Fred
Conservation Partners, Inc. - Principal, Attorney and Mediator - Traverse City, MI
Forest Biometrics Research Institute
- Portland, OR
Forest Landowners of California
- Folsom, CA
Forest Stewards Guild
- Santa Fe, NM
Forester's Co-Op
- Grass Valley, CA
Glenn Zane
Continental Resource Solutions, Inc. - Redding, CA
Green Diamond Resource Company
- Seattle, WA
Hemard & Company
Victor E. Hemard Jr. - President - Texarkana, TX
Hull Forest Products
- Pomfret Center, CT
James A. Mehrwein
McKenzie River Associates - Registered Professional Forester, RPF, ACF - Eugene, OR
James L. Able
James L. Able Forestry Consultants, Inc. - President - Eureka, CA
James L. Able Forestry Consultants, Inc.
- Eureka, CA
Jason Kane
- Cottonwood, CA
Jeremiah R Pinto
USDA Forest Service: Reforestation, Nurseries, & Genetics Resources - Research Plant Physiologist, Tribal Nursery Specialist - Moscow, ID
Joe Reddan
Flexilis Forestry - Chief Forester - American Canyon, CA
John D. Mills
W. M. Beaty & Associates, Inc. - Inventory Forester - Redding, CA
John Knight
- Weaverville, CA
Josh Hagerty
Hagerty Forestry Management - Reno, NV
Karen Johansen
Wildwood Management - Owner - Bishop, GA
Kathleen L Edwards
- Idyllwild, CA
Kenneth C Baldwin
- Douglas City, CA
Kirsten Sequoia
- Cazadero, CA
Kyle Mille
Northern Sierra Forestry Services LLC - Lead Forester, RPF #3087 - Nevada City, CA
Leon J. Manich
California Reforestation, Inc. - President - Sonora, CA
Leon Manich
- Sonora, CA
Linda Ziccardi
Alpine EcoSciences LLC - Owner - Golden, CO
Manuel J. Jordan
Heritage Shade Tree Consultants - Excelsior, MN
Mason, Bruce & Girard
Certified Forester (Forestry Consultants) - Portland, OR
Mason, Bruce & Girard
- Portland, OR
Mason, Bruce & Girard, Inc.
- Portland, OR
Mason, Bruce & Girard, Inc.
Robert Galliano - Forester - Auburn, CA
Matthew A. Greene
Matt Greene Forestry & Biological Consulting - Owner - Cazadero, CA
Mike A. Atkins
Mad River Properties, Inc. - McKinleyville, CA
Mike A. Marvier
Mike's Land Management - Registered Professional Forester - Reforestation Specialist - Chico, CA
Mitchell C. Haydon
Environmental Resource Solutions, Inc. - Staff Forester - Santa Rosa, CA
Nadia J. Hamey
Hamey Woods - Santa Cruz, CA
National Association of State Foresters
- Washington, DC
National Woodland Owners Association
Keith A. Argow - President, Director, At-Large - Vienna, VA
Natural Capital Exchange (NCX)
- San Francisco, CA
Paul Ohlman
Davey Resource Group - Registered Professional Forester - Warner Springs, CA
Phil Witter
Canfor Southern Pine - Environmental Manager - US Operations - Mobile, AL
Philip D. Bailey, MAI
Mason, Bruce & Girard, Inc. - Senior Appraiser, Eastern US & International - Blacksburg, VA
Phillip Dye
- San Jose, CA
Preston Payne
World Tree Technologies - Tree Farm Support Forester - El Segundo, CA
Ralph S. Osterling
Ralph Osterling Consultants Inc. - President - Moraga, CA
Randall C. Jacobszoon
Jacobszoon and Associates - Ukiah, CA
Raymond Moritz
Urban Forestry Associates - San Anselmo, CA
Reboot Reforestation, LLC
Connor Herndon - Sales & Customer Outreach Manager - Tuscaloosa, AL
Resource Analytical & Management Group, LLC
Billy K. Lemons - President & Principal Consultant - Nacogdoches, TX
Robert C. Crane
Woodland Management Service - Consulting Forester - Stevens Point, WI
Robert D Hutcheson
- Redding, CA
Robert R Bryan
Forest Synthesis - President/Habitat Conservation Forester - Harpswell, ME
Ronald D. Hunt
Hunt Surveying & Forestry, Inc. - President - Eureka, CA
Scott Assenheimer
Canvas Natural Resource Solutions, LLC - Forester-Wildlife Biologist - Longview, TX
Seth Yoho
Williams Forestry & Associates - Regional Manager - Calhoun, GA
Sierra Forest Products
- Chino, CA
Signature Tree Solutions
- Saint Helena, CA
Thomas D. Amesbury
Forester's Co-Op - Principal Forester - Grass Valley, CA
Tierra Resource Management
- Fairfield, CA
Trevor L. Stapleton
Wilke, Fleury, Hoffelt, Gould & Birney - Partner - Sacramento, CA
Walter Passmore
CAL Fire - State Urban Forester - Sacramento, CA
William E. Kleiner
Western Timber Services, Inc. - President - Arcata, CA