Sycuan Peak Ecological Reserve Updated:06/2019

Sycuan Peak Ecological Reserve is approximately 2,300 acres. Virtually the entire property south of the Sweetwater River consists of mafic southern mixed chaparral, a unique form of chaparral vegetation that is confined to mafic, or gabbro-derived soils that are rich in ferro-magnesian minerals. Sycuan Peak is used as foraging territory by peregrine falcons, as well as other raptors. The northern portion of the property consists of the Sweetwater River drainage, and includes riparian woodland and willow riparian habitats.

The purpose of the acquisition was to protect endangered and sensitive wildlife, native plants and special habitats. The property was designated as an ecological reserve by the Fish and Game Commission in 2000. It is part of an important wildlife corridor within the State’s Natural Community Conservation Planning program.

For more information, call the South Coast Region San Diego office at (858) 467-4201.

Contact Sycuan Peak Ecological Reserve

REMINDER: This listing is a free service of CaliforniaLandCAN.
Sycuan Peak Ecological Reserve is not employed by or affiliated with the California Land Conservation Assistance Network, and the Network does not certify or guarantee their services. The reader must perform their own due diligence and use their own judgment in the selection of any professional.


Contact Sycuan Peak Ecological Reserve

Ed Pert
Regional Manager - South Coast Region
3883 Ruffin Road
San Diego, CA  92123
Phone: (858) 467-4201
Fax: (858) 467-4299

Service Area

Services provided in:
  • San Diego County, California