Founded in 2008 as a private nonprofit 501(c)(3) land trust, the Marin Open Space Trust (MOST) mission is to permanently preserve Marin County’s unprotected open space lands.
Although thousands of acres in Marin have been protected, more than 15,000 acres of significant lands remain at risk of development. These unprotected properties, mostly in the county’s eastern urbanized corridor, are important for close-to-home recreational opportunities, scenic viewsheds, watershed protection, and wildlife corridors.
MOST preserves land by:
- Mobilizing quickly to respond to preservation opportunities and work with landowners
- Purchasing and receiving donations of land and conservation easements
- Raising funds for open space protection
- Working collaboratively with parks agencies, especially Marin County Parks, and other local land preservation organizations to support their land protection goals.
- Raising community awareness about the importance of protecting critical properties.
Contact Marin Open Space Trust
REMINDER: This listing is a free service of CaliforniaLandCAN.
Marin Open Space Trust is not employed by or affiliated with the California Land Conservation Assistance Network, and the Network does not certify or guarantee their services. The reader must perform their own due diligence and use their own judgment in the selection of any professional.
Contact Marin Open Space Trust
Bill Long
Civic Center
P.O. Box 4133
San Rafael, CA 94913
Phone: (415) 884-2270
Service Area