California Deer Assocation Updated:12/2022

The California Deer Association is a non-profit, tax-exempt wildlife conservation organization whose principal goal is to improve our California deer herds and other wildlife through direct financial support for habitat improvement and research projects. Seventy-five percent of the net profit from fund-raising events will go to projects, all of which will be within California's borders.

In 1996 when the California Deer Association was formed by a few concerned sportsmen, the concept that was the driving force was to get money raised in California to stay in the state and put 75% of every net dollar into "On the Ground Projects". Key members of the newly formed organization sat down with representatives from the USDA Forest Service, the Bureau of Land Management, and the California Department of Fish and Game to establish procedures and criteria that would ensure there would be a maximum return for CDA dollars spent in habitat improvement, biological research, land acquisition and conservation easements, equipment, and education. A board level decision made it mandatory that the Project account always operated in the 'black'.


Contact California Deer Assocation

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California Deer Assocation is not employed by or affiliated with the California Land Conservation Assistance Network, and the Network does not certify or guarantee their services. The reader must perform their own due diligence and use their own judgment in the selection of any professional.


Contact California Deer Assocation

1884 Keystone Court
Suite A
Redding, CA  96003
Phone: 916-575-7745

Service Area

Statewide service provider in:
  • California